No. 2 in a series about life at The Cabbage...
"Gather 'round children! I'm going to tell you a story about a devilishly handsome, awfully good man who finds his heart-thump somewhere in the woods." There once was a man who took his responsibilities very seriously. Older than his years, he obligingly took care of the dishes, his children, the drainage and the dog. He took care of his chores, wearily, routinely, and (mostly) without complaint. Much of the time the man was exhausted.
One day his charming wife suggested a family outing to explore the countryside. They drove for a little more than an hour and suddenly there they were: smack in the middle of a wooded land! The man's eyes sparkled. They twinkled. A air of calm overtook him, and the family marveled. For him, something had returned. Something he lost in the woods of his childhood. The same something that broke up beaver dams, trapped squirrels, led the family dog for hours through the wooded trails. The man's heart-thump had returned. His soul rejoiced!
For Jay, the heart-thump of The Cabbage is palpable. He becomes a different man, almost from the moment the car leaves our city home. His heart becomes lighter, his laughter quicker. The stillness of the morning air, the chitter-chat of birds, the whispered rustle of the birch trees: these are the things that fill his heart. Here, he is king of his land. And he, king of our hearts.
Gone Fishin' |
Proclamations of love for Pop |
Teaching his daughter bird calls |
Lots of time for big love at The Cabbage |
Where's YOUR heart-thump, people?
Oh this made a lump in my throat....I loved this. My "heartthump" lately has been seeing my 4 year old run down the same boardwalk that I ran down since I could run, towards the same lake shore, the candy store, the endless sandcastles and future best buddies...makes my heart swell.
he's a keeper.
I remember so clearly when you two met.... Our little apartment on Oak Street, the gleam in both your eyes, and the 1 foot of height separating you!
I LOVE the idea of the cottage... back to simplicity, back to family, and rediscovering who you are.....way down deep.
(my formatting will no doubt horrify you & the King of the Land!)
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